Cervicogenic Headache
Melbourne osteopath Tim discusses what cervicogenic headache is and how treatment can help
Melbourne osteopath Tim discusses what cervicogenic headache is and how treatment can help
Melbourne osteopath Tim discusses what vestibular migraine is and how treatment can help.
If you’re reading this and you get migraines you should thank your lucky stars you’re not alive in the 15th century. Whilst we’re not yet perfect, the way we manage migraine has come a long way from drilling holes in the skull!
There’s very few treatments for migraine that can boast the results magnesium has to offer. More than that, it is inexpensive, readily available and has relatively few side effects. Magnesium is certainly something for anyone living with migraine to understand.
Is there a science to pillows or are they all just squishy rectangles? Let’s take a look.